Winter Area 65 Committee Mtg

Primary Purpose Group 1802 W. Division St., Arlington, TX, United States

Please consider attending Area events to learn more about the AA service structure outside of District and to represent your group if you are a GSR. More area events can be found at

MARCH District 71 Mtg

Eastland Clubhouse 302 N College Ave, Eastland, TX, United States

NETA 65 – 2020 Spring Area Assembly

Mesquite Convention and Expo Center 1700 Rodeo Dr, Mesquite, TX, United States

Come join other districts in our Area for fellowship and to participate in a mock panel that will discuss important issues facing AA today.  This helps our delegate understand how our districts feel about issues that will be voted on at this year's General Service Convention in New York.  Don't miss this amazing service and

2020 Texas State Convention

Hilton Fort Worth 815 Main St, Fort Worth, TX, United States

"A Vision for You" What is the Texas State Convention? At one time in the history of Alcoholics Anonymous, the annual convention held by each state was considered to be the only “A.A. approved convention” per the A.A. Service Manual of Alcoholics Anonymous. Today this is no longer the case. There are many conventions held


JULY District 71 Mtg

Open Door 3157 Russell Ave, Abilene, TX, United States

Hosted by New Horizons at the Open Door.

78th Anniversary

Taylor County Expo Center 1700 TX 36, Abilene, TX, United States

78th Anniversary Committee